Fundraiser in a Box!

Presented by The Beetch Barn Craft N’ Sip

Read below for an overview of Beetch Barn Workshop Fundraiser
Most importantly!!!! Choose your date and time
(allow at least 4-6 weeks for advertising and production of products)

**The Beetch Barn Craft N’ Sip**
- Provides crafting materials and expertise.
- Offers a variety of crafting activities tailored to the event's audience.
- Charges to a flat service fee per person attending which covers all materials, a 2-
person and assistance during the session. (Up to 75 participants) if a 3rd staff member is
required there will be an additional charge.
- If your organization chooses to allow ticket sales at the door The Beetch Barn will provide a
set number of crafting packages for walk-in participants.
- Unsold packages will not be charged to the organization, providing financial flexibility.

**Your Organization**
- Supplies the venue and any necessary amenities ** Lock in your Venue and be sure they
allow paint crafting etc. at the location Don’t forget to include (tables, chairs, table
coverings etc.).
- Handles event promotion and ticket sales.
- Sets the ticket price based on fundraising goals.
- Ensures that the venue meets the crafting company's requirements
. ** Organization: **
- Sets ticket prices (for example $35- $50 per participant) to cover the attendance, venue fee
and generate additional funds for the organization.
- The organization retains all proceeds beyond the flat fee charged by the crafting company.

** Marketing & Promotion: **
Marketing and promotion shall be the responsibility of the organization sponsoring the event.
The Beetch Barn Craft N’ Sip has permission from the organization to share event details
publicly to their social media outlets.
- Social media platforms, community newsletters, and local press.
- Email campaigns to the organization's existing donor base.
- Flyers and posters in local businesses and community centers.

** Suggested Incentives: **
- Offer early-bird pricing or group discounts to encourage early registration.
- Consider additional fundraising activities during the event, such as raffles or silent auctions.
** Venue Setup Considerations: **
- Arrange the venue to accommodate enough space for participants. Rectangular tables are
better suited for crafting but round tables will work just fine.
- Provide refreshments or partner with a local vendor for food and drinks. Hosting a BYO or
“Potluck” keeps cost to the organization down.
This crafting workshop fundraiser offers a low-risk, high-reward opportunity for your
organization. By collaborating with The Beetch Barn Craft N’ sip your organization can leverage
our expertise while maintaining control over the fundraising aspect. This partnership ensures that
the organization retains the flexibility to maximize your fundraising potential.

Suggested crafts include:
Interchangeable door signs with one insert.
- Additional inserts can be made available at the event for additional purchase or
signage can be displayed for participants to sign up for workshops at my studio with
25% of all extra sales of inserts and workshops the day of the event going back to
the organization.
- Or you can advertise another prescheduled fundraising event at this time for
attendees to sign up to come and create additional inserts. The possibilities are